I realize Chanukah was in December but the deadline for the January issue was before the amazing party at the JCC. Many thanks are in order. First and foremost, to Vic and Alan for setting up and tearing down the room and allowing us to host the event.
To Joe, Andi, and Rabbi Geier for the days of planning, shopping, and the hours of preparing and serving the food, thank you! We made an awesome team! Check out the photos in this issue of the Temple Times!
A shoutout to Caren, Mollie and Rabbi Schaktman for stepping in where help was
needed. Also, a huge thanks to those that helped clean up after the festivities.
The community party/dinner was a free event sponsored by your JCC. I appreciate those that pitched in to help since many hands make the workload easier. I am all for more volunteers and more celebrations! How about you?
Mark your calendars! Looking forward to Tu B’Shevat on February 13th, Purim on March 13th, Passover Seder on April 12th, the Holocaust Memorial Lecture on April 23rd, and Israeli Independence Day TBD.
February’s Birthday Shabbat will be celebrated on the 28th with a special Oneg. Let’s come together to honor you!
When you see a name in the yahrzeits and have contact information for that person’s family, please call the office so we can send a note to let them know.
Wishing you warm thoughts on a cold day,